Proving DUIs In Colorado

Colorado criminal defense attorney Doug Richards talks about how to prove a DIU in the state of Colorado. For more information, or if you need legal help, contact the law offices of Denver DUI attorney Douglas Richards, or call 888-888-5280 for you free consultation. With a DUI, the state can prove that you were intoxicated through a number of ways. One is that you aren’t able to do certain balance exercises the way that the officer...

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682 Arrested During St. Patrick’s Day Week | DUI | Colorado

Reported by the During the week of St. Patrick’s Day, March 11-18, 682 suspected DUI arrests were made in the state of Colorado. “During that same period, five people were killed on Colorado roads, although preliminary investigations suggest none were alcohol-related, the Colorado State Patrol reported today. The largest number of arrests were in Denver, where 101 drivers suspected of being impaired were taken into...

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